Sunday, July 4, 2010

Getting to Jacksonville

After a great weekend hanging out with Aly and friends, we made way to Jacksonville. From Tallahassee to Jacksonville is about 190 miles so we knew we couldn't do it in one day. Our original plan was to sleep at the Suwanee River State Park and get to Jacksonville the next day. The city is too busy to try to bike so we planned on calling for a ride in from the city limits.

The ride was pretty uneventful, a couple of ups and downs but those are Florida mountains. Riding next to I-10 the whole way, Highway 90 had a little traffic but mostly clear and with a great shoulder. To our surprise, the weather held off and the cloud cover made for a nice cool ride for once in the south but we could see rain coming.

After about 90 miles, we could feel the rain on us and settled into a rest top just east of Live Oak. Having already passed the Suwanee River and thinking about getting a hotel for the night, we called Stefan Hester who lives in Jacksonville and got a ride out of there. Good thing we did because the skies opened up and it rained for hours.

We really wanted to ride into Jacksonville but after seeing the road and weather on the ride in, we're glad we didn't. Stefan dropped us off at the Corrick's house right on Jax's beach and we finally unpacked the bikes and rested. The weather was still nasty so we waited to finish the ride the next day on the beach.

Here's a pictures of the Corrick's back yard and their pet gator. Its good to be home!

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